Thursday, April 15, 2010

story about 친구(s)

bertemu kembali kita.. actually aku nak post story.. what ever story and now aku rasa nak post pasal benda niey lah.. since i miss you girls so much
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ :: take each one this love from me to you..
okey, todays topic is friends or 친구(s) sorry i'm too biased! erm, just wanna share with you guys.. i think i really don't have many friends and i now it is because i'm an anti-social girl! hehe ** seriusly, i dont know how to make friends and i am a quiet and shy person please dont laugh at me flowers.. so, when i thought that i have Flowers or AiNAnISyIRAdaMira, aku rasa happy sangat.. sekurang-kurangnya aku rasa aku punya kawan yang bley 'kamcing' or satu kepala dengan aku.. kawan yang boleh aku lend to when i have any problems.. kawan yang boleh bimbing aku jika aku tersalah jalan.. kawan yang bisa menolong aku jika aku dalam kesusahan.. kawan yang sentiasa menemani aku bila aku kesunyian.. kawan yang sentiasa menyokong aku bila aku memerlukan semangat dan sokongan.. adakah aku keterlaluan kerna aku nampaknya seperti terlalu bergantung kepada seseorang yang bernama KAWAN? mungkin, tanpa mereka aku tidak seperti ini.. jika aku tidak memilih untuk ke sekolah kita yang tercinta, aku tidak akan mengenali kamu semua.. kita tidak akan mempunyai ikatan yang sebegini.. betul tak girls?

dalam bahasa malaysia, kawan mempunyai pelbagai perkataan yang seerti dengannya :
+ kawan
+ kenalan
+ teman
+ sahabat
erm, kenapa ekk? adakah setiap perkataan itu ada maksud yang berbeza? but for me, to you girls Flowers, aku prefer SAHABAT, can I? sebab bagi aku sahabat tue ibarat kawan, kenalan, teman yang amat, teramat dan begitu rapat sekali.. apabila aku ke dunia luar, mesti jumpa orang lain.. but, i feel that no one can replace you girls.. and of course bila kita masuk U or further study kat memana, mesti kita kena cari kawan baru.. betul tak? definately true!! ^^ and for sure, tiada yang sama macam Flowers :) .. so girls, sepertinya kalau kita tak mungkin akan ketemu, ingatlah, pahatlah nama AinAnISYIradaMira dalam hati dan ingatan you all.. kalau pun kita jarang sangat nak contact each other, bila korang lawat our beloved blog pun aku dah bersyukur yang amat!
친구 고마워...

:: 영원한 친구 ::

+ promise yaa~ +


LILY :: i miss your concern.. rindu sangat when u ambil berat pasal kitaorang semua.. such a mother who take care of her daughter ^^.. how are you now? hope u're fine always.. remember, jangan asyik fikir perasaan orang saja.. perasaan sendiri pun kena jaga jugak.. or balance it... kalau tak merana diri.. jangan jadi macam my eunhyuk oppa and also leeteuk oppa, he really love other members and ELFS so dia tak pernah menangis depan mereka semua, dia hanya nangis seorang diri dan always happy.. buat ELFs sakit hati jew bila tau dia macam tue.. diorang semua mintak dia jaga diri dia jugak.. just like you.. i miss you a lot.. and you such a kind girl.. so lucky that man who will marry you one day
TULIP :: i miss your voice "orang orang kampung!" haha.. btw, we just meet so i think aku dah crita banyak story and things to you.. huu~ melepas dah sikit rindu kat tulip.. so, hope you will continue your life journey with full of happiness dear.. ^^
p/s : any tips dear to be like you? i mean, banyak cakap! haha.. jelez ar tengok tulip, tanpa segan silu bercakap di hadapan orang ramai.. i'm too shy..

MAWAR :: adam mukhriz's future wife? lalala~ i miss you dear soo much!! by the way, i'm so sorry kalau mawar ada terasa hati dengan aku.. aku tak berniat pun [heard story from lily] 나는 정말 죄송 해요.. mawar, i love you, you know that? aku rasa terharu sangat bila mawar crita that you semacam hampir menangis pabila mengetahui ur ring hilang.. but luckily, u found it and trust me.. aku yakin sangat, cincin tue memang takkan hilang dari kita.. semacam ada ikatan yang kuat dengan kita..! just like our relations!

LAVENDER :: our cutie pie.. hehe ^^ so cute this girl.. like my little sister.. wii, can i call you my beloved little dongsaeng mksudnya adik lelaki or perempuan (even you look more matured than me!) lol~ i miss you dear.. owh, really miss you.. how are you doing now? yup, this month is quite busy for us.. i admit it too... but, i know you.. even you're busy.. still thinking of us right? haha^^ (perasannyer)

DAHLIA :: me is just me! huhu~ the KPOP lover are you tired with me bcoz of this? if that so, just tell me! what else? need to improve myself lor.. and erm, i just love and miss my beloved friends here.. (^__^)
muuuaaahhhhh XOXO ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ another love for you girls!!

CACTUS :: frog lover.. uhuu~ our friend yang baru beli broadband.. welcome to internet world! haha^^ I 13elieve [sorry again **] nanti everyday, hours, minutes and seconds buka laptop memanjang.. and of course online and surf the internet, just like me.. dear, lily ada post surat kat aku suruh give it to you so bila nak datang sini since dah ada license tue.. hehe ^^

ORKID :: our busiest member!!! lol~ thats true! right girls? nak contact pun susah.. kinda like we need to do an appointment to see her.. hahas.. friend, i'm sorry but the true is i miss you sooo much!!! and i think all the Flowers felt the same right? orkid ku sayang, rasanya orkid ada told tulip yang nak kita semua keluar this sunday.. is that true dear? oppss, she must not be online to answer this ques.. :( dear, luangkanlah masa untuk singgah di sini dan tinggalkanlah jejak di chatbox or leave a comment.. just once pun dah cukup.. as like what tulip said "orkid, janganlah lari jauh sangat.. nanti tak sempat kami nak kejar orkid balik ^^ my dear.."

FLOWERS... 내가 사랑하는 모든 정말 당신이 그리워!

uhu~ 미안 친구.. can't help myself.. selain korang yang boleh buat aku bahagia pabila aku susah hati atau bersedih.. huhu.. my oppa(s) are also there for me.. ye ke? perasan je tue.. ah lantaklah.. janji aku bahagia.. ahakzz..!! ^-^ cuci mata skit ek.. please forgive me.. lol~

+ will forever inside my heart.. this smile and this eyes.. the active boys in SuJu.. huhu~ i mean he is such a little boy yang active.. semua orang tidur dalam flight, dia je asyik kacau orang.. lol~ thats cute and thats why i love him!!!! +

OKEY.. skank bawah nie adalah some of the couple in 슈퍼 주니어.. attention!! it doesn't mean they are gay!!!!! sesiapa yang rasa diorang gay.. get lost or dalam erti kata lain, boleh blah!! they just a very good friends who take care of each other, cry together, sad together, happy together, smile together, share their problems together, without blaming each other kalau ada yang buat silap, protect each other.. the true brothership after many years together!! and Flowers, untuk sampai ke tahap tue, kita kena lalui banyak benda kan? dan kita telah menempuh satu perkara yang agak besar and i really thank to you girls coz we still here as Flowers!!
PROM15E to stay together forever!! :)

+ EunHae brothership.. how sweet!! +

+ HanChul couple.. korang nak tahu, sekarang hankyung ada problem dengan SM Entertainment (their company).. maybe he'll leave SuJu.. oh nooo!!!! and tak boleh nak sertai Super Show 2 Asia Tour baru-baru nie.. then, tak silap aku, SS2 di Shanghai.. waktu lagu keramat for Super Junior and ELFs : Shining Star, Heechul nangis teruk sangat bila tengok VTR yang sedang tayang gambar hankyung! then, he can't continued his singing.. he cried till the end.. dan heechul bukan seorang yang senang nak nangis coz dia agak ELF know him as well as the members ~~ +

+ such a caring hyung ar donghae oppa.. haha.. ^^ take care of the evil magnae.. lol~ +


  1. sure lily post aku pny permohonan upu tu.. wah lily luv u lar.. byk hg tlg aku,, huhu... big hug for lily!

  2. ehem.. lupa lak!! to my dearest ELFs friends forever!!!!!!!!!! SHAZWANI!!!!!! aku sayang sangat sama kamu dear... ahh, everyday gonna miss you!!!

  3. thanks dear dahlia aka @ashiramiera...
    without you i'm nothing in twitter..

    none of my best friends are ELFs or know anything about super junior.. luckily i have you..@ashiramiera
    "i tweet this to you, do u noticed it dear!!"

  4. @shazwani_starz.. huhu~ same here cam reply twitter lakz.. ^^ i've noticed that chingu~~ gomawoyo.. <3 +dahlia+

  5. ok.. receive your hug chuad.. dahlia.. really luv your post ..

  6. oh, i read it again and i love my post!! saranghae F7! <3
